Treatment of prostatitis in men: the medicine, an effective tool in the House reviews

It may be prostatitis non-bacterial or bacterial, depending on the origin. Apart from that, nature? s own disease, its course is divided into chronic or acute form. The acute form of the disease that was triggered often gram-negative bacteria. Also, that is easily recognized, as well as exercise therapy, prostatitis in men the drugs at home after consulting with your doctor.


The causes, development, prostatitis

Features first to know about treatment, prostatitis in men with drugs at home, the recipes are both incurable, you need to understand the causes of development, it's a disease. Lies the basic cause contact, infection, prostate, and this, in turn, convenient location, this is a small organ in the pelvis. We must emphasize the basic way of falling infections, prostate gland:

  1. Descending. In this case the influence of prostate with urinary infection.
  2. Rising. The influence of infection prostate through the urethra.
  3. Inflammatory diseases. In this case, penetrate the prostate the infection along with blood flow.
  4. Lymphonodus. In this case, the infection penetrates the prostate with electrical lymph.

The main representatives of the stronger sex prostatitis causes and risk factors revealed include:

  1. Inactive, sedentary lifestyle and lack of physical activity. For some reason this internship to occur in the prostate blood.
  2. The infringement of the normal rhythm of sexual life. The thing is, irregular sexual acts, as well as a long fast can trigger the development of this disease.
  3. Hypothermia may occur in adolescence, in childhood or adulthood. These situations especially suitable supercooled male body portion.
  4. Disease, sexually transmitted diseases, for example, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, gonorrhea or gardnerelyoz.
  5. Trauma, organ or tissue of small pelvis.
  6. In patients with a weak immune system, a child, young or adult age.
  7. Unbalanced diet, should include everyone who knows sweet, oily and fried food. Also encourage excessive drinking prostatitis development.

Capable of being the above case due to the presence of the prostate, as well as provoke the process of sluggish the body lower body, blood, prostate, harmful microorganisms that will lead to an increase in the number and order in the progression of inflammatory process. I've never bothered complications and therefore timely treatment of this disease, man.

Signs and symptoms

When the first signs and symptoms in men prostatitis, the treatment should be to was quick. However, before doing so you need to know exactly what symptoms that represent a defined disease. Frequent urination and intermittent urination with pressure and weak during the process, the combustion region, perineum, increased body temperature, painful defecation – this is the first symptoms of acute prostatitis in men. In addition, the necessary attention, the following clinical signs:

  • erectile dysfunction;
  • difficulty, intermittent urination;
  • burning sensation, spoon and urethra;
  • more frequent urination;
  • display highlight dating the urethra;
  • the presence of fiber in urine;
  • long-lasting erection, and premature ejaculation;
  • general fatigue, body;
  • bright orgasms;
  • the situation of psychic depression and anxiety;
  • a strong power.

It should also be noted, don't have any of the symptoms of chronic prostatitis, and men and also added some additional symptoms.

Inflammation of the prostate

The marks often begin with acute prostatitis, and increase in body temperature up to 40 degrees. This torture ill chills and fever. You should keep your eyes and urination difficult from the transmitter. Spicy that can trigger prostate cancer urination swelling visible delay. Outside of that, I have to live too the feeling in the pubic area, inguinal region, which may give.

If we talk about chronic prostatitis, very rarely, in the acute form of a result, but as a rule, he initially deleted it grows and symptoms. Differs from the acute form of chronic leakage without many signs that are so hidden.

During acute exacerbations of this disease the patients a feeling of uncomfortable pressure, region, perineum, and anus. A dull pain may also appear that the sacrum, which gives the region, perineum, groin, and rectum.

This featured chronic prostatitis should include:

  • decreased libido;
  • deterioration of erection;
  • a weak jet during urination;
  • aching pain in the perineum, rectum and the sacrum;
  • an unpleasant feeling, both the combustion urethra.

In some cases, a man ignores the symptoms of illness. However, treatment of prostatitis, men should be made immediately at home drugs. The reason for this as that will be much more difficult to treat complications of BPH, prostatitis and more. An effective prostatitis treatment is now more familiar with the cost of the home.

Treatment of properties

Poisoning is also suspected purulent inflammation of the patients hospitalizations shows. Simple but Sharp, which is a type prostate treatment men aware of the disease at home, but you have to be careful when doing this process, or andrology, the urologist.

Definitive treatment of this disease, a series of specific activities to be followed in order for it to be displayed on the screen continuously treat each other. But whatever men prostatitis the symptoms first appeared? Treatment at home, first of all, based on the use of antibiotics. In particular, the diagnosis of prostatitis caused by infection expert case to the patient their prescriptions. Home treatment, chronic prostatitis acute prostatitis involves the application of 3 types of drugs are:

  1. Antibacterial drugs. In this case, the treatment is done for, no infection.
  2. Anti-inflammatory drugs used to remove the inflammatory process, is characteristic of this disease.
  3. Medicine, etc to improve blood flow capable of male.
  4. Relieve spasms medicine .. etc, the urethra.

Frequently, in addition to home treatment, chronic prostatitis prostate massage specialist prescription. The thing is, this kind of activity to promote early recovery, to a large extent you have to reduce the feeling. Reviews, treatment of prostatitis, massage for men, and talk about anything, this process is quite useful. The narrowed urethra of a patient and surgical intervention is required only if you need to remove, adenoma, prostate.

A comprehensive treatment

But to avoid treatment bph men prostatitis is required to avoid such complications. This should be followed for an extensive treatment of this disease. And because throws are applied for this purpose is an expert in a variety of ways:

  • that are just different lifestyle, diet;
  • medicine treatment etc..;
  • different physiotherapy procedures;
  • Prostate massage and exercise therapy;
  • symptomatic treatment;
  • various folk remedies to combat prostatitis;
  • treatment of concomitant pathologies;
  • is psychotherapy.

Antibiotic therapy

Treatment of properties

Typically, experts have prescribed antibiotics in case of chronic and acute bacterial prostatitis. Even a small amount of leakage chronic prostatitis symptoms antibiotics to be taken. But the first treatment should occur stimulating prostatitis in Men main types of this disease both examined. Prostatitis medicine etc .. which means the use of therapy, a different antibiotic with a wide range of exposure. In men, prostatitis antibiotics treatment at home can be assigned the following:

  1. Tetracyclines;
  2. Macrolide;
  3. Penicillins;
  4. Fluoroquinolones;
  5. Cephalosporins.

It must be remembered that the order must be treated with antibiotics for the record, definitely, as a doctor, the only treatment leading to a chain of antibiotic use.

Features home treatment

Treatment of prostatitis should, directly affecting the receptors, relaxing, prostate. This technique makes it significantly easier, and eliminates urine, a pleasant feeling. However, many patients taking liver I don't want to miss this, many medications, etc. Therefore, to be applied for the treatment of prostatitis in men folk remedies. But in this case it is recommended to consult a doctor in advance.

Herbal treatment

The techniques nature has provided us a lot of changes to their own health. Herbal treatment is considered such a method. Prostatitis are most effective for which combat the following plants:

  1. Worm grass, bear's grape, rosemary and have an antiseptic effect uroseptic action. Gotta grind this plant broth to cook the amount of a tablespoon each. One and a half cups of boiling water is poured over the herbs and then the number in the tool shed in a thermos insist upon for a few hours. Advanced I need to drain boiling, then a few sips on an empty stomach in the morning to get it every day.
  2. To remove the inflammatory process, prostatitis a decoction of chamomile to be consumed. However, to do this, add a St. John's wort and echinacea. Ready a therapeutic tool in the following way: put a spoon must buy any weed 350 ml capacity, pour hot water, bring to a boil on low heat for about 10 minutes. Drunk in the morning instead of black tea.
  3. Nettle, licorice, and capable of melilotus, thin the blood, reduce blood internship in the pelvis. Baking, boiling, you need to get a spoon of this plant, grind them, pour the boiling hot water on top of cover. Half an hour later a drink, instead of tea can be consumed. But beware, his spirits are high, 2-4 times a day until it is not a man, a general improvement in itself.
  4. Parsley is very effective in a fight with any male diseases. Add her, food. To do this, add a bunch of greens just a big grind, puree, salad or soup. Parsley is also complex with herbal teas can work miracles health-men setup various inflammations, including inflammation of the prostate gland.

Poplar bark die happy

Another Poplar with a proven highly effective tool in the fight for a public die a happy bark. Until you go to the roots of the tree under the earth, therefore, a different tree, very rich chemical composition. However, I need to prepare the shell before using this tool. When he took it for, young trees, poplar trees, with a thin body. The need of using a circular incision to remove the top layer, the cortex, pat dry and chop him in the open air. Multiple recipes for folk remedies, the male that aims to fight disease. The most effective ones to consider:

  1. Die happy if only chewing poplar bark, Ayse will have a taste to have very any pleasure to the patient. However, this method is fast with analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. Log chewing bark during acute illness.
  2. In addition, a decoction of the poplar bark-based on die happy. To do this, a teaspoon of milled raw material have to put the thermo, pour a cup of boiling water. Insist throughout the shell after 9 hours, drain the water and that man will come for it and get treatment to avoid development. Drugs, the use of liquor in the morning before breakfast.


All products to be capable of beekeeping in the human body a pain reliever, disinfected as well as anti-inflammatory effect. Treatment for prostatitis if you can obtain the best effect, apply complex herbal honey with a balloon. There are some effective recipes:

  1. A glass of warm water-based yarrow and chamomile, add a spoon of honey and mix. Each day you consumed the beverage, you'll see developments in the genitourinary system, but already after a few days.
  2. One cup of low-fat hot milk if we need it, make a paste of honey to the mix. Such a delicious drink before going to bed is consumed. If an allergic reaction to a missing person, a milk can be consumed every day.
  3. Necessary herbal brew collection, psyllium, licorice root, nettle leaf. Add a spoon of buckwheat honey and dark juice mix all of covering. During obtained from the use of drinks, will return to the normal state of the prostate gland and the signs and symptoms disappear.

Comments about the treatment of prostatitis

Many patients which has this terrible disease, such as prostatitis noted, this treatment is quite successful in a way at home. Therapy was effective, a comprehensive approach to good use, if an application includes not only recipes, traditional medicine, at the same time application to medicinal drugs, especially antibiotics. In addition, improvements are coming, most likely for use as an additional treatment if prostate massage.